Institute of Supramolecular Coordination Chemistry
陆伟刚&李丹团队Chemical Engineering Journal:高湿度条件用于C2H2/CO2分离的金属-有机框架
陆伟刚&李丹团队Chemical Engineering Journal:高湿度条件用于C2H2/CO2分离的金属-有机框架
近日,广东省功能配位超分子材料重点实验室、暨南大学化学与材料学院陆伟刚和李丹教授研究团队在Chemical Engineering Journal上发表了题为“A Metal-organic Fr...
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Assembly of Metal-Organic Frameworks of SiF6 2- in Situ Formed from Borosilicate Glass
Abstract: The SiF62− anions are in situ formed in the reactions of MF2(M = Cu2+, Zn2+, Ni2+, and Co2+) salts and nitrogen-containing ligands in borosilicate glass tubes under solvothermal conditions and then used to further construct a family of metal−organic frameworks (MOFs). This in situ reaction demonstrates a new and facile strategy for the fabrication of MOFs based on SiF62−.文章链接:InorgChem201912501.pdf
Exclusive Recognition of Acetone in a Luminescent BioMOF through Multiple Hydrogen-Bonding Interactions
Astract: An anionic microporous metal-organic framework (1), featuring a combination of mononuclear and tetranuclear zinc clusters and a mix-and-match strategy of two different types of organic ligands, has been successfully constructed via a solvothermal reaction. Its luminescence can be exclusively quenched by acetone. In situ single-crystal X-ray diffraction studies reveal the specific acetone binding sites and the existence of multiple hydrogen bonds between acetone and the framework. Togeth
Tuning the C2/C1 Hydrocarbon Separation Performance in a BioMOF by Surface Functionalization
Abstract:Solvothermal reaction of adenine, 1,3,6,8-tetrakis-(p-benzoic acid)pyrene (H4TBAPy), and Zn(NO3)2 in DMF afforded a three-dimensional anionic bioMOF 1. It features onedimensional tubular channels with exposed Watson–Crick faces and nitrogen-rich purines, which endows 1 with multiple adsorption sites on its polar surface, translating into high selectivity of C2 hydrocarbons over C1. Moreover, an isostructural bioMOF 1-NH2 was synthesized by using 2-aminoadenine in place of adenine, resul
Coordination-driven self-assembly of M10L8 metal-organic bi-capped square antiprisms with adaptable cavities
Astract:A family of polyhedral metal-imidazolate cages based on the flexible bi-imidazole ligand L and Cu2+ ions have been synthesized and characterized, featuring an unusual Cu10L8 bicapped square antiprism structure (or Johnson solids, J17) with an adaptable cavity. These metal–organic cages encapsulate anions, and they will expand or compress after they are filled with different-sized anions.文章链接:DaltonTrans201917713.pdf
Biological metal-organic frameworks: Structures, host-guest chemistry and bio-applications
Hong Cai a, Yong-Liang Huangb, Dan Li b,*ABSTRACT:Biological metal–organic frameworks (BioMOFs) are a new class of crystalline porous materials developed in the last decade that represent a subclass of metal–organic frameworks (MOFs). Biomolecules introduced as components of MOFs confer biological compatibility for this emerging type of material, thus providing new opportunities for applications in biology, medicine, and a variety of other fields. In this review, to focus on host–guest chemistry
Self-Assembly of Copper Polypyridyl Supramolecular Metallopolymers to Achieve Enhanced Anticancer Efficacy
Lanhai Lai+, Dong Luo+, Ting Liu, Wenjie Zheng, Tianfeng Chen,* and Dan Li*[a]ABSTRACT:Self-assembled functional supramolecular metallopolymers have demonstrated application potential in cancer therapy. Herein, a copper polypyridyl complex was found able to selfassemble into a supramolecular metallopolymer driven by the intermolecular interactions, which could enhance the uptake in cancer cells through endocytosis, and thus effectively inhibiting tumor growth in vivo without damaging to the majo