Institute of Supramolecular Coordination Chemistry
Copper (I)–Organic Frameworks for Catalysis: Networking Metal Clusters with Dynamic Covalent Chemi...
Copper (I)–Organic Frameworks for Catalysis: Networking Metal Clusters with Dynamic Covalent Chemi...
Rong-Jia Wei†, Hou-Gan Zhou†, Zhi-Yin Zhang, Guo-Hong Ning* Dan Li*Abstract:Metal clusters exhibit diverse structures, emerging functions, and applic...
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Supramolecular coordination compounds and their crystalline aggregates: Syntheses, structures and functions
Mian Li, Wen-Xiu Ni, Shun-Ze Zhan, Xiao-Ping Zhou, Dan Li,*摘要:超分子配位化学是当今化学学科的前沿研究中最为中心和发展最迅猛的分支之一.其中晶体工程,尤其是金属一有机框架材料的合成、结构和功能,正引起国内外越来越多的化学工作者的关注和参与.本文结合本课题组的研究成果,简要总结了超分子配位晶态聚集体的自组装合成、结构和功能方面的若干规律.主要介绍了原位反应与模板合成,调控构筑基元的尺寸、形状、连接性、相互弱作用等结构策略,以及发光金属一有机框架材料的热致变色、化学传感等功能,并简要阐述了构效关系,为今后进一步研究开发光功能金属一有机框架材料提供参考。关键词:超分子化学;配位化学;晶体工程;金属-有机框架;光功能材料;构效关系;文章链接:N972013-00017.pdf
Ratiometric Fluorescent Probe Based on Gold Nanoclusters and Alizarin Red-Boronic Acid for Monitoring Glucose in Brain Microdialysate
Lu-Liang Wang, Juan Qiao, Hui-Hui Liu, Jie Hao, Li Qi,* Xiao-Ping Zhou, Dan Li,* Zong-Xiu Nie, and Lan-Qun Mao.Abstract:Glucose monitoring with high sensitivity and accuracy in the cerebrospinal fluid is a challenge for evaluating the role of glucose in the physiological and pathological processes. In this work, a ratiometric fluorescent probe for sensing glucose was developed. In the probe, the gold nanoclusters protected by ovalbumin played the role as the reference of fluorophore and the Aliz
Luminescent mechanochromic porous coordination polymers
Tian Wen, Xiao-Ping Zhou, De-Xiang Zhang, and Dan Li*Abstract:Three 2D luminescent isomeric porous coordination polymers are synthesized and characterized. Their luminescence properties can be modified by grinding and they can act as mechanochromic materials and their properties are probably related to the weak interactions of cuprophilicity and p–p interactions.Keywords:coordination polymers · cuprophilicity · grinding ·luminescence · mechanochromism文章链接:chem.201303991.pdf
A highly stable MOF with a rod SBU and a tetracarboxylate linker: unusual topology and CO2 adsorption behaviour under ambient conditions
Ru-Jin Li, Mian Li, Xiao-Ping Zhou,* Dan Li,* and Michael OKeeffeAbstract:A Mn-based rod metal–organic framework (MOF), ROD-6, with a new lrk net is synthesized. It represents an unusual type of MOF topology containing both a 1-periodic secondary building unit (rod SBU) and a polytopic linker (here 1,3,6,8-tetrakis(p-benzoic acid)pyrene), and also exhibits high stability (up to 485 8C) and unusual CO2 uptake behaviour and selectivity despite the lack of strong interacting sites, demonstrated by
ROD-8, a rod MOF with a pyrene-cored tetracarboxylate linker: framework disorder, derived nets and selective gas adsorption
Ru-Jin Li, Mian Li, Xiao-Ping Zhou,* Seik Weng Ng, Michael OKeeffe,* and Dan Li*Abstract:Reported here is a new CdII-based metal–organic framework (MOF), ROD-8, based on the rod secondary building unit (SBU) and tetratopic linker 1,3,6,8-tetrakis(p-benzoic acid)pyrene. The structure of this MOF experiences framework disorder with the two extreme ordered orientations of the ligand, which are topologically related to the two nets, namely lrk and lrl, both derived from the basic net lrj. Moreover,
Solvothermal Subcomponent Self-Assembly of Cubic Metal−Imidazolate Cages and Their Coordination Polymers
Dong Luo, Xiao-Ping Zhou,* and Dan Li*.Abstract:A series of Ni−imidazolate cubic cages, one-dimensional and two-dimensional coordination polymers based on the cubic cages, have beenprepared by solvothermal subcomponent self-assembly of 5-methyl-4-formylimidazole,m-xylylenediamine, and NiII salts with varied anions. These compoundshave been characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffractions, elemental analysis,IR spectra, and powder X-ray diffractions. The formation of an oligomerizedcoordination