Institute of Supramolecular Coordination Chemistry
Self-assembly of mixed-valence and heterometallic metallocycles: efficient catalysts for the oxidation of alcohols to aldehydes in ambient air

Ya-Liang Lai, Xue-Zhi Wang, Rui-Rong Dai, Yong-Liang Huang, Xian-Chao Zhou,Xiao-Ping Zhou * and Dan Li

Abstract:Two mixed-valence CuII/CuI and two heterometallic CuII/AgI metallocycles have been synthesized by the assembly of designed metalloligands and CuI/AgI ions, respectively. The CuII/CuI metallocycle can catalyze the oxidation of alcohols to aldehydes mediated by a co-catalyst, TEMPO (2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperdine-1-oxyl), with ambient air as an oxidant, while the CuII/AgI metallocycle has no catalytic effect.

文章链接:Dalton Trans 2020  7304.pdf