Institute of Supramolecular Coordination Chemistry

·       教育经历




·       工作经历

201612月至20206月 暨南大学博士后

20207月份至今 暨南大学讲师

·       研究方向



·       主要论文

[1] Zheng, J.; Lu, Z.; Wu, K.; Ning, G.-H.; Li, D. Coinage-Metal-Based Cyclic Trinuclear Complexes with MetalMetal Interactions: Theories to Experiments and Structures to Functions. Chem. Rev. 2020, 120, 96759742. 

[2] Zheng, J.; Yang, H.; Xie, M.; Li, D. The π-acidity/basicity of cyclic trinuclear units (CTUs): from a theoretical perspective to potential applications. Chem. Commun. 2019, 55, 71347146. 

[3] Yang, H.;# Zheng, J.;# Peng, S.-K.; Zhu, X.-W.; Wan, M.-Y.; Lu W.; Li. D. A chemopalette strategy for white light by modulating monomeric and excimeric phosphorescence of a simple Cu(I) cyclic trinuclear unit. Chem. Commun. 2019, 55, 46354638.

[4] Zheng, J.; Xing, L.-R.; Li, D. Extreme long and extreme short CuCu distances: nature of cuprophilicity and luminescence modification in Cu(I)-based cyclic trinuclear complexes. Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin. 2017, 33, 21332140.

[5] Wang, X.-L.;# Zheng, J.;# Li, M.; Ng, S. W.; Chan, S. L.-F.; Li, D. Curved cyclic trimers: orthogonal CuCu interaction versus tetrameric halogen bonding. Cryst. Growth Des. 2016, 16, 49914998. 

[6] Xiao, Q.; # Zheng, J.;# Li, M.; Zhan, S.-Z.; Wang J.-H.; Li, D. Mechanically triggered fluorescence/phosphorescence switching in the excimers of planar trinuclear copper(I) pyrazolate complexes. Inorg. Chem. 2014, 53, 1160411615.

[7] Zheng, J.;# Yu, Y.-D.;# Liu, F.-F.; Liu, B.-Y.; Wei, G.; Huang, X.-C. Modulation of argentophilic interactions by bridging amine ligands: photoluminescence tuneable by Excitation Energy or Temperature. Chem. Commun. 2014, 50, 90009002.

