Institute of Supramolecular Coordination Chemistry
A highly stable MOF with a rod SBU and a tetracarboxylate linker: unusual topology and CO2 adsorption behaviour under ambient conditions

 Ru-Jin Li, Mian Li, Xiao-Ping Zhou,* Dan Li,* and Michael O'Keeffe

AbstractA Mn-based rod metal–organic framework (MOF), ROD-6, with a new lrk net is synthesized. It represents an unusual type of MOF topology containing both a 1-periodic secondary building unit (rod SBU) and a polytopic linker (here 1,3,6,8-tetrakis(p-benzoic acid)pyrene), and also exhibits high stability (up to 485 8C) and unusual CO2 uptake behaviour and selectivity despite the lack of strong interacting sites, demonstrated by the low and increasing heat of adsorption.
