Institute of Supramolecular Coordination Chemistry
Hydrothermal synthesis of copper complexes of 40-pyridyl terpyridine: From discrete monomer to zigzag chain polymer

 Hua Feng, Xiao-Ping Zhou, Tao Wu, Dan Li,* Ye-Gao Yin, and Seik Weng Ng

Abstract: Seven copper complexes [Cu(L1)I2] (1), [Cu2(L1)2I2]2[Cu2(l-I)2I2] (2), [Cu(L2)I2] (3), [Cu2(L2)(l-I)I(PPh3)] (4), [Cu4(L2)2(l-I)2I2] (5),{[Cu(L2)I]2[Cu2(l-I)2I2]}n (6) and [Cu2(L2)(l-I)2]n (7) have been prepared by reactions of ligands: 40-(2-pyridyl)-2,20:60,200-terpyridine(L1) and 40-(3-pyridyl)-2,20:60,200-terpyridine (L2) with CuI in hydrothermal conditions, respectively. By alternating the oxidations states of the metal centers, increasing stoichiometric metal/ligand ratio and introducing a second ligand, the compounds, were successfully developed from mononuclear (1 and 3) to multinuclear (2, 4 and 5) and polymers (6 and 7). The synthesis of these compounds may provide an approach for the construction of coordination compounds of 40-pyridyl terpyridine with different nuclearity.

Keywords: Terpyridine; Hydrothermal reaction; Copper mixed-valent complex; Copper iodide; Coordination polymer
