Institute of Supramolecular Coordination Chemistry
Anion-Directed Assembly of Macrocycle and Helix

 Xuanjun Zhang, Xiao-Ping Zhou, and Dan Li*

Abstract: Self-assembly of the flexible ligand N,N¢-bis(3-pyridylmethyl)thiourea (bpt) with ZnCl2 and CdCl2 in the absence and presence of KSCN yielded a short series of novel complexes (1-4) with macrocyclic, helical, double-helical, and 1D polymeric structures. Different metal ions, hydrogen bonds, and counteranions play significant roles in the final crystal structures. The NCSanion was found to favor the formation of helical structures, whereas the Cl- anion favored macrocycle formation in the present system. Photoluminescence (PL) measurement results revealed that complex 2 (Zn(bpt)(SCN)2) with a helical structure exhibits enhanced emissions compared to those of the ligand and other complexes. The anion-directed assembly as well as the interesting emissions may provide useful information for further design of metal-organic compounds with novel structures and properties.
