Institute of Supramolecular Coordination Chemistry
Two CuCN hybrid networks with unusual topology tuned by terpyridine ligands

  Xiao-Ping Zhou, Shi-Hong Lin, Dan Li* and Ye-Gao Yin*

Abstract: This paper reports two structurally unique CuCN-terpyridine hybrid networks of 40-p-tolyl-2, 20 : 60, 200-terpyridine (ttpy) prepared under solvothermal condtions: [(CuCN)5(ttpy)]n (1), [(CuCN)3(ttpy)]n (2).Complex 1 features a tri-layer structure with 3-connected binodal (8210)$(8210) topology, while complex 2 features unusual honeycomb-like layer structures. The adjacent honeycomb-like layers consist of the opposite handed helical CuCN-ttpy chains. In both complexes, each ttpy coordinates two copper(I) atoms with short Cu–Cu distances, and the side pyridyl group rotates in a certain angle from the central pyridyl plane directing the formation of the diversified networks.
