Institute of Supramolecular Coordination Chemistry
Self-catalyzed growth of Cu@graphdiyne core–shell nanowires array for high efficient hydrogen evolution cathode

 Yurui Xue, Yuan Guo, Yuanping Yi, Yongjun Li, Huibiao Liu, Dan Li, Wensheng Yang,* and Yuliang Li*

Abstract:Here we show that a high efficient hydrogen evolution reaction which was carried out on the in-situ growth of self-supported core-shell nanowires array consisting of graphdiyne as the shell and Cu as the core on Cu foams(Cu@GDNA/CF). Subject to potential cycling treatment in 0.5MH2SO4, theCu@GDNA/CF exhibits highly catalyticactivity for hydrogene volution reaction with an onset over potential of 52mV and a Tafelslope of 69mVdec-1. Our  findings  suggest that synergetic interaction between GD and Cu is crucial for the catalytic performance of the electrode.This electrode needs only overpotentials of 79 and 162mV to achieve catalytic current densities of 10 and 100 mAcm–2, respectively, and maintain sits catalytic  activity for almost 20h. The attractive performances of such array make it promising candidate as a future high-performance catalyst for applications.
