Institute of Supramolecular Coordination Chemistry
Structure- and Temperature-Dependent Luminescence Properties of Threefold Interpenetrated Networks: Coordination Polymers Based on Dinuclear Gridlike Silver(I) Units

 Shun-Ze Zhan,* Huan-Quan Song, Liu-Jun Guo, Raymond Wai-Yin Sun, and Dan Li*


Abstract: Dinuclear gridlike AgI structural units (1) based on(3-pyridyl)-5-R-pyrazole ligands are extended from ligomers(R = phenyl) to three threefold interpenetrated 3D coordinationpolymers (R = 3-pyridyl) with cds-a (augmented CdSO4) networks(2-NO3, 2-ClO4, 2-BF4) linked through multiple supramoleculainteractions (Ag–ligand, Ag–anion, Ag···Ag, and π–π interactions). The photoemission intensities of 2-NO3, 2-ClO4,and 2-BF4 exhibit linear variations with temperature over large temperature ranges in the solid state with different sensitivities, which are tentatively attributed to these multiple supramolecular interactions, especially the enhanced Ag···Ag interactions. These complexes are potential candidates for applications in temperature-sensing devices.

Keywords: Silver, N ligands, Argentophilic interactions, Luminescence, Sensors
